
Energy must be able to flow freely and in the right direction. Certainly so within your company. In the event of a malfunction in your medium-voltage system or charging station, the Fudura breakdown service will help you to resolve it. We do this quickly, of course, to ensure disruptions are kept to a minimum.

Quickly resolved, quickly up and running again

The Fudura Malfunction Service is ready for you. Our specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by calling the free telephone number  +31(0)800 - 88 000 88

A malfunction in your medium voltage system. What next?

Reporting other malfunctions?

If a malfunction has occurred in your electricity meter or gas meter, metering system or your Mijn Fudura account, we are happy to help you resolve this. You can contact Customer Service on weekdays, between 8:00 AM and 17:00 PM, by calling +31(0)88 - 857 88 77. If the fault occurs outside office hours, we ask you to contact us the next working day.

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